Safeguarding our Assets

Safeguarding our Assets

In preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan a detailed survey was taken of all the assets in the village. A full list can be found in Appendix E of the Neighbourhood Plan, but these include assets like the village pubs, the shops in the High Street as well as obvious assets like the school and library.

The plan recognises that over time new assets may need to be added to this list or, when appropriate, removed. The Parish Council have the task of monitoring the identified assets for this purpose.

The first policy of the plan is intended to prevent new development harming those assets:

Policy 1: Proposals that harm the identified Communal Assets, Greens Spaces and / or Green Assets identified in this plan will not be supported. Developers should seek to maximise the opportunities for infrastructure improvements identified in this plan and implement any site specific mitigation prior to occupation.

If you have any strong views about this particular policy, don’t forget you only have until the 19th of July to feed those views back to the Neighbourhood Plan Group.