Two employment related policies

Two employment related policies

There’s a couple of ’employment within the village’ policies in the plan:

Policy 6
The creation of additional Use Class B1 accommodation within the settlement boundary is desirable and encouraged, new development will need to demonstrate that:

  • it will not have an unacceptable impact on residential amenity;
  • it will not have an unacceptable adverse impact on the transport network and parking conditions;
  • it will not have any other unacceptable environmental impact.

Mixed residential / commercial use development is encouraged.

Proposals for new development which combines living and employment space will be encouraged, providing there is no adverse impact on the character and amenity of nearby residential areas.

Policy 7
Development which results in the loss of premises or land used (or last used) for employment will be resisted unless it can be demonstrated that a site is no longer fit for its previous employment use, by having been marketed at a reasonable price for at least nine months.

Another employment generating use will be sought in preference to residential development.

New employment generating development will be supported subject to satisfying other policies within the LMNP taken as a whole.

What do you think about employment in the village and improvements to help villagers work locally? Don’t miss your chance to have your say – the Plan consultation ends in less than 2 weeks!