The Neighbourhood Plan

Here is your Neighbourhood Plan. From here you can find a summary of what is in each section of the Plan and download the whole document or just the sections you may be particularly interested in. If you have problems downloading the documents or if you’d like to find out how to view them on different devices, please visit the help section.


Executive Summary

Lytchett Matravers Parish Council wants the people from the village to have the opportunity of a voice in how their village will grow and develop over the next 15 to 20 years. The intention is to provide a plan describing the community’s vision for the future of the parish, where we should invest for the future of the village and to provide village residents with a voice in the planning process.

The Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan (LMNP) seeks to establish a vision for the village and surrounding areas that is based on the thoughts and aspirations of its residents. It is a critical aspect of the Plan process that all residents have had an opportunity to contribute and share their ideas. This Plan will only work if it reflects the central thoughts of the majority of residents.

We know that our ideas will be subject to national and district policies, which will continue to change from time to time, but the village needs a clear set of objectives in order to deal with that changing environment. Without those clear objectives we will not have the focus to achieve our target.

From this website you can download the whole Neighbourhood Plan or just the sections you’re interested in (via the tabs above). You can also feedback your views on the Policies and Strategic Village Improvements via the online consultation form. Furthermore, the LMNPG are offering open sessions at the library which are your chance to meet with a member of the Group and discuss aspects of the plan. The library also has copies of the Plan for viewing.

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Neighbourhood Planning

Section 1: Neighbourhood Planning

Neighbourhood planning gives communities direct power to develop a shared vision for their neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of their local area. They are able to choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built, have their say on what those new buildings should look like and what infrastructure should be provided and grant planning permission for the new buildings they want to see go ahead. Neighbourhood planning provides a powerful set of tools for local people to ensure that they get the right types of development for their community where the ambition of the neighbourhood is aligned with the strategic needs and priorities of the wider local area.

In this section:

  • What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
  • What can communities use Neighbourhood planning for?
  • What are the benefits in developing a Neighbourhood Plan?
  • The Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan area
  • The position on green belt
  • What Neighbourhood Plans cannot do
  • Why Lytchett Matravers needs a Neighbourhood Plan
  • Community engagement and the process for delivering the Plan

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Complete the consultation questionnaire
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Our Community

Lytchett Matravers Community

The LMNP Vision sets out what the people of Lytchett Matravers wish their parish to be like in the years to 2031 and beyond. It shapes the objectives and policies set out in the following sections.
It will be a village where residents are able to move about easily and safely and feel a full part of the community at all stages of life. They can engage with other residents across the parish whether through work or leisure and be able to use any of the services that reflect the full needs of the community as a whole. The people of Lytchett Matravers wish to see a single vibrant, caring, engaged, inclusive and safe community in which all residents feel comfortably at home and valued.

In this section:

  • Our community in 2015
  • Our community in 2031 and beyond

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Development Management Policies

The Plan sets out 10 policies in the following areas:

  • Safeguarding our assets
  • Public engagement and delivery of vision and objectives
  • Good design
  • Home zones
  • New employment uses
  • Protecting the environment
  • The village centre
  • Shopping facilities

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Strategic Village Improvements

The vision and objectives of the LMNP are much broader in scope than solely housing development. The Strategic Village Improvements analysis developed through the Village Questionnaire are targeted at providing a balanced economy within the village – housing, employment, infrastructure, transport and amenities. They are not formal prescriptive policies as defined in Section 3, but they will be used as a guide as to how any Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and other funding would be used for the benefit of the community (see Section 2/E/4).

In this section there are 16 Strategic Village Improvements identified:

  • Village centre/sports facilities reconstruction
  • Development beyond the existing settlement boundary
  • Roads and traffic management
  • The British Legion as a community centre

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  • Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan Designated Area
  • Purbeck District Council Partial Review – Issues & Options
  • Lytchett Matravers as a Key Service Village – Gap Analysis
  • External Consultees
  • Communal Assets and Green Spaces
  • Village Amenities Summary
  • Sustainability Check List

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The following glossary should help you understand certain terms used in the document. If you come across something you don’t understand that is not in the glossary of FAQ then please attend one of the library sessions or drop us an email.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Development Management Policies
A financial contribution paid by developers to cover the cost of improvements to the local area.

Development Management Policies
When a planning application is submitted to Purbeck District Council the Development Management Policies will be used to consider the acceptability of the application and whether it should be refused or granted consent.

Green Spaces
Areas of open space within the village, including the playing fields, parks and other public areas.

Home Zones
Streets that are designed to prioritise pedestrians and cyclists, by creating shared surfaces where vehicle speeds are reduced.

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
The current overriding national planning policy document, which the Purbeck Local Plan and the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan must conform to.

Purbeck Local Plan Part 1 (2012)
The current local plan for the whole of Purbeck, which the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan must conform to; adopted in 2012.

Safeguarded Land
Land which is still treated as being within the Green Belt, but which may be allocated for development in the future.

Strategic Village Improvements
A list of strategies and priorities for the village, which will in part be funded through an allocation of the Community Infrastructure Levy.

Use Class B1
Offices and light industry appropriate in a residential area.

Download this Glossary (PDF 66KB)
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Files too big or problems using Dropbox?

The Neighbourhood Plan Group wanted you to see a high quality version of the document which is why as a whole the document is nearly 5MB in size. For that reason, the Plan is downloadable from Dropbox. If you have problems downloading such a large file or indeed accessing Dropbox, a lower quality version is available here (1.5MB in size)