- To preserve the character of Lytchett Matravers as a distinct, predominantly dispersed settlement along minor roads around a village centre.
- To ensure that Lytchett Matravers remains a strong, coherent, intact and inclusive community and a safe, welcoming and engaging place to live and work.
- To meet the housing needs of a diverse range of people wishing to live in the village, with an emphasis on overall, co-ordinated, development design and its integration into the wider village, build quality and the provision of affordable housing to meet local need and smaller homes for people to downsize to in their later years.
- To increase the sustainability and self-containment of the village by supporting existing businesses, and encouraging new enterprises and the provision of facilities and technologies which enhance commercial effectiveness and employment opportunities.
- To promote and develop a range of high quality communal amenities and facilities for the benefit of all residents by remodelling the centre of the village to provide:
- a greater range of retail outlets;
- a pedestrian-priority, traffic-calmed zone;
- improved car parking;
- a distinct and thriving cultural hub incorporating the library, village hall, meeting rooms, etc.;
- the re-development of the sports field, sports pavilion and scout hut as a landscaped village green, with sports facilities being re-located to a dedicated outdoor sports centre adjacent to the school and Lytchett Astro in Wareham Road where they will both be served by much improved parking facilities.
- To keep roads safe, discourage through traffic and large commercial vehicles and encourage green forms of transport (keep to a minimum the number of heavy goods vehicles entering and passing through the village).
- To preserve and enhance the quality of the natural environment and the public’s access to it (trees, hedges, wildlife, footpaths, lanes, etc).